Thursday, July 16, 2009

Up for air

Hi, all. I've been in the process (boo!) of moving (yea!), ingesting Anonyhub's new unexpected (boo!) jobless status (yea...!...?), and tolerating a visit from the in-laws (boo!) who helped us move (yea!).

I've been coping with all the hoopla by spending any spare moment at work playing soothing, mind-numbing computer games. Ah, sweet mental nothingness. Actually, that stuff is more like jack-off material for the brain. Gives your mind a frenzy of alluring puzzles to play with, which it can completely immerse itself in for a couple of minutes. Then, when the game is over, blink, realize where you are and that your stress inducer hasn't gone away, and then immediately dive back in. We all have our ways of self-medicating. Mine happens to be Scramble.

Anonybabe is adjusting well to the new place, is alternately dismayed and delighted with it and her grandparents. I'm just tired and overwhelmed with all the unpacking we have to do and will be happy when Anonyhub's parents leave today. They have been incredibly helpful moving things from place to place and watching Anonybabe, but I feel like they are pissing on my territory. My mother-in-law has a way of throwing out a million tiny thoughtless insults that I waste a lot of energy trying to ignore: "Well, your place is a wreck!" "That just looks hopeless!" "Well, I told your husband that Anonybabe should take a nap" sandwiched between endless rambling about their timeshare and home renovations. She didn't pick up after herself or do dishes, and I found myself passive-aggressively leaving all of the dishes in the sink for her to do.

All of this is done until the next family get-together.

Anonyhub and I thought we would unpack as we went, and we did for a while, but now we've just run out of steam. Any tips from you who've moved on how to rejuvenate? Should we just walk away and spend an afternoon on the beach together to regroup? Yes? Good answer!