Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Through the jungle, welcome shell shock

Well, we made it through the holidays "just fine". But it was too much, I tell you.

Thursday anonybabe and I flew to Arkansas to be around my family. An estate sale, Chuck E. Cheese, and a round trip flight from Chicago on a holiday weekend ensued. Did everybody note that I flew alone with my baby? Good, just wanted to get proper credit for that.

Then, after taking the train home from the airport on Saturday, anonybabe and I got to get in a couple of meals and a nap before anonyhubby's parents descended on us. Their timing was impeccable; they arrived just as anonybaby was about to cash out for the night. Of course, then the exhausted baby was awake for another two hours. She did a lot of crying while the 'grents were around; she seemed to have developed full blown stranger anxiety overnight. I don't know if all of the travelling finally made her snap, or having some big, deep voiced man in the sanctity of her home did it, or she just picked up on my and anonyhubby's ambivalence to our visitors. Who knows. But I bogarted the baby that anony-in-laws drove 6 hours to see and they were cool about it. I will give them that. They were respectful of my choice to swoop in every time anonybaby got nervous around them.

I thought I was doing just fine with their visit and then I noticed I was having tourettes-type outbursts behind everybody's back, i.e., I would spill some water in my lap and drop a string of impassioned f-bombs, or I anonyhubby would be 5 minutes late getting anonybabe to me after work and I would think dark thoughts about his family the whole time. Couldn't journal about it so I talked to myself about it the whole way up to work this morning. Am still harboring unvented anger but when a woman in the car opposite me cut off my view of oncoming traffic I only cursed her mildly, so I think I'm getting better.

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