Saturday, July 24, 2010

Too steamy to share on facebook

As we're sitting on the bathroom floor today, post pottying and pre re-pantying.

Anonybabe (pointing to a newly discovered spot on her nethers):  What's that?

Me:  Your clitoris.

Anonybabe:  Why? 

Then, as I pause a minute to ponder where I'm going to take that one, she moves on. 

Anonybabe:  Do you have a

Me:  Yes, most women have a clitoris.

Anonybabe:  Can I see yours?

Me:  Not today  (???!!  I know why I defer, rather than get into a yes/no battle with my three year old, but for the record my answer creeped me out mightily). 

Why am I surprised that conversations like this are coming up?  This is par for the three year old course, right?  I just wasn't expecting the anatomy question from that particular angle.  Now I'll be ready when she asks about her taint.   

1 comment:

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