Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mooo-ve over, human...or, You've come a long way, mama

Few days back, a group came over to my house for brunch. A college buddy who has a son about five months younger than Anonybabe asked if I'd weaned Anonybabe yet.

"Weaned?!" another friend piped in, "weaned? Is that the word you use?"
"Yeah, I think so," college buddy blushed a little and looked to me for backup.
"Weaned," I concurred. And looked at other friend a little perplexed.
She wrinkled her nose. "That sounds so...animalistic."

Yep. It does. It is. The moment made me realize how much more comfortable I am with my body since having a baby and nursing this long. I didn't even bat an eye when my male buddy brought up my breastfeeding routine in a room full of people who hadn't breastfed. I thought of it as normal breakfast conversation.

To that I can only say: Yea!

My community - I'm really, really sorry if I make you uncomfortable with my casual talk of boobs, my occasional whipping out of the breasticles, even now. But it is SO DAMN NICE not to worry about it anymore. And really, aren't all of our lives a little nicer with the introduction of a little casual nip?

I added Hathor the Cow Goddess links to my website - she's a chick who is gaga over whipping out her breasts. I used to find her a little too strident about it, but now I think she's right.

Happy holidays! Give boobs a chance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for boobs!!! I do really need to get in touch with my breast friends again. But alas, soon enough it will happen.