Monday, December 22, 2008

So it's not just me?

Anonyhub threw a birthday party of sorts for me last week, the dear. This is not pertinent to the post, but I gotta pause here to give due credit: Anonyhub cooked like a fiend and the party had a delicious spread: meatballs with pineapple sauce, sweet & savory cookies with herbs on top and cut into wagon wheel wedges, grilled asparagus, spicy roasted sweet potato was just delish. Unfortunately, I had one of those nights where the more drinking I did, the more I wanted to just be an introvert. My friends kept me rolling in laughter most of the night, but when things inevitably petered down there were some awkward silences and I just couldn't jump in to fill the void. Ah well...sometimes you feel like a party nut, sometimes you don't. I was really, really glad friends came over in the cold, snow and ice on a pre-Christmas weeknight and didn't want them to get the wrong impression.

Anypartypooper, we hired a babysitter to take Anonybabe off the premises during the party, but she was returned before anybody left, and surprised me by toddling around the room and talking non-stop. This led to some mild amusement amongst our guests. At one point, a partygoer made a joke and did it in the same tone Anonybabe had been using all night...the one I blog about here...the one that was driving me so crazy when she first started using it. I've gotten used to the way she talks now, for the most part, but when I heard my friend mimicking her spot-on, I thought, "Ah! So it isn't just me! When she raises her voice like that it is freaking annoying!!" There's a teeny part of me that feels like a heel for often cringing at the sound of my daughter's voice....but a big part of me that feels glad I'm not alone.

I'm going to assume she won't talk like this for the rest of her life, while simultaneously scouring Craigslist for Anonybabe's very own Henry Higgins. No slipper fetching required.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And, oh, Luci had a day off from school the other day (which I was really looking forward and did quite enjoy) but by 9:30 am I was already going crazy just hearing her non-stop voice.