Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Well, well, well. Looks like I might get my wish of having a daughter that is a vocal little snit after all.

For the most part anonybabe is not a cryer. She cries when she falls down, sure, or gets her hand pinched in something, or gets her legs contorted into some strange shape when she tries to get up. She's been fussy because of teething, which means she gets pouty and looks up to be held as soon as you put her down some days. But she's not so much of a complainer, that one.

But I'll be damned if she didn't cry/yell at me the other day when I gave her a piece of apple to gum on and then took it back because she was suddenly able to bite off big unswallowable chunks. Cried/yelled with tears rolling down her face. She was pissed. And now all of the sudden, if you want to take something from her and don't distract her with something bigger and shinier, she grips onto it and screws up her face and just hollers.

I know the general consensus is that people who scream when they don't get their way are brats, but I'm enjoying the hell out of this newfound spunk. I start to worry that with this attitude I'm going to breed a monster, and then I think, screw it. We've got time to socialize her. For now, I'm going to sit back and revel in my daughter's reddened cheeks and dagger-shooting eyes. And maybe not take her out to restaurants so much.

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