Tuesday, September 16, 2008

a bitch AND a moan

Instead of listing all of the amazing things Anonybabe has been up to lately (walking exclusively, eating with a spoon and fork and patting her face with a napkin when she's done, repeating words), or the fun things we've been up to lately (camping in Indiana, driving to Door County, Wisconsin, having a par-tay), I think I'll bitch about the nominally bad night I had last night.

It was a work night for Anonyhub, so as soon as I rolled in at 7pm from my job, he left me at home with the mushpot.

We'd had a very nice party the afternoon before, which had ended at 8:30pm or so. Plenty of time to clean up, relax, and get some well deserved rest. Anonyhub went in to work for a couple of hours, Anonybabe crashed early because she'd skipped her nap, and I was so elated with the time alone that I took the opportunity to gorge on mental junk food. I watched Desperate Housewives, all the while thinking "this is horrible!", and then dove into Facebook for a couple of hours. When Anonyhub got home, we cleaned and played online Scrabble together. I finally climbed into bed at 1:30am, happy and exhausted.

Cut back to the moment I walk into the house to take care of Anonybabe...my lack of sleep had caught up with me and my fuse was so short. I thought I was going to kill myself if I had to watch Elmo with Anonybabe or help her dress her dolls while I fought boredom and sleep, so I decided we needed a walk. "'Tay!" agreed Anonybabe, but when I tried to get shoes on her, she wanted to put them on each of her dolls first. Pooh had on her brown shoes, The Count had on her green ones, and creepy garage sale doll aka "Baby" was outfitted in her black shoes. She only has three pairs of shoes, and if I tried to take a pair off of a doll to put onto Anonybabe, she would see the empty shoes and point to another doll. "Pooh!" and if I tried to put them on her instead, she would cry and complain, tears instantly pooling in the corners of her reddened eyes. I don't believe in forcing her to do anything unless I really have to, so I kept gritting my teeth and helping her redress her bear and trying to inch us toward the door.

Once we got outside, everything was fine. Great, in fact. But I'd hated being stuck between a baby-dressing borefest and a temper tantrum. It made me crazy that Anonybabe wasn't ready to do what I needed her to do for my sanity. It made me realize I need my sleep because I really need my patience.

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