Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love Bites

"Shut your eyes and your mouth" were the last things Anonybabe heard through my gritted teeth last night.

This at midnight after I'd moved her from my bed to her little bed and she kept babbling and singing.

This after she'd just spent over an an hour babbling and singing and flopping around in my bed while I tried to go to sleep.

This after I'd tried to make nice for a day of neglect by reading to her in the "big bed" and letting her go to sleep there with me - something she'd asked for.

This after she'd bitten me (again) to get my attention. While I was on the computer "uh-huh"ing to her, she slowly leaned over and sunk her teeth into my arm. I whisked her to her little bed (she really seems to hate this punishment), wouldn't let her out no matter how much she cried and begged until she could tell me why I'd put her there and listed nicer ways she could get me to focus on her.

You know, I'm trying. I know why I'm being so shitty to Anonybabe. Why is she being so shitty to me?

Perhaps that's the wrong question. Perhaps the answer to that just leads to a morass of self-pity and woe. Perhaps the only question worth paying attention to is "what can I do to help Anonybabe be herself and a decent human being?"

But my question now is "Why the fuck do you keep biting and pinching me, Anonybabe, when you know it's just going to land you in the pokey?"

P.S. Yes, I'm considering spanking for this, but am trying to take the mildest method that works first. Besides, it seems illogical to tell Anonybabe I'm going to hurt her so she'll stop hurting me. Not that logic seems to have any bearing on this parenting gig sometimes. I'm not above doing whatever works.

1 comment:

Ahnalog said...

When I was a child and my parents spanked me (esp. for hitting my siblings or some other thing I knew I wasn't supposed to do), the inconsistency of their "hurting" me to stop me from hurting others NEVER occurred to me. With few exceptions, I still to this day feel most of my spankings were completely merited, and that my parents did them well -- esp. telling me how many "licks" I was gonna get before they spanked me (usually 2 or 3), because that way I knew what to expect, and they didn't get out of control either.

Anyway -- I'm not saying you should spank Anonybabe. That may not at all be the technique that works for you and your family. I'm just telling my story. Good luck with your little vampire. :)