Monday, June 15, 2009


To the two people who read my post now and again: Hi. I found a couple of parenting magazines that accept submissions from people such as you and me, and I was thinking of recycling a blog entry to send in to them. Be it silly or sad, is there any blog entry you found memorable? Or, more likely, a subject I may have touched on that you think about on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll try to send something in. I do love the smell of rejection letters in the morning.


1 comment:

Kate Blackwell said...

I really enjoyed the post about throwing out the parenting book. It seems like in today's culture there are two types of parents--the overbearing or the neglectful. Finding a median is an art that most people never attempt. I think most parents would be liberated by hearing your thoughts on that. Keep us posted! So exciting!!!!!