Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fight or Flight

So I told Anonyhub a bit of my post sob-story revelation: that I'm sad because I don't spend as much time as I'd like with Anonybabe or him. That my job is alright moneywise but it seems like I could be doing better things with my time. And while I was at it I told him some of my fantasies about the future. That we'll have another youngin' when Anonybabe is about 4. That I'll be able to work part time and write for pay. That I'll get to spend a large amount of time unschooling our daughter.

He got snippy at the mention of a second child, but I expected that. He got snappy when we started talking about how my plans fit in with his plans to go back to school and soon we devolved into an argument about the future in which I'd insulted his parents, he insinuated that he'd have to think twice about living with someone who had so little concern for housework, and we both decided it would be best if we didn't talk to each other for the rest of the evening.

Laws, people. I'm dedicated to this marriage and I love my husband, but at what point is this going to get easy? I'm beginning to suspect we get the initial 6 months of our relationship and our golden years for that, provided we make it that far.

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