Monday, June 30, 2008

Time travel

Okay, to the two people who actually keep up with my postings in real time (hi A! hi P!) this may seem weird, but I'm about to travel back in time to post blog entries that I wrote down in my notepad or word processor (yes, I write in a stand-alone word processor's actually kind of rad) over the past few weeks. So if you checked my blog last week and saw that I hadn't posted in a while, and then checked back today and saw that there were "new" posts from 2 weeks ago...that's what happened.

I just finished a homework project that was due today. I can't promise this means I'll blog more for the foreseeable future, but here's hopin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I got a shout out from you. I do always read your blog even though I'm not a great commenter. It's funny because "computing" sometimes gets the last energy of my day and I find I often can read but not respond to even the most basic email. By the way, my fruit flies are taking over the neighborhood and I am desperate now--I am about to plunge my head into the composter with my trowel. Oh also, btw, my hallway is now yellow and it IS fabulous. Like you said it brightens up my day, and I realize I will be so grateful come fall.