Thursday, March 26, 2009


Igor surprised me be being vivacious and chipper immediately after I complained about her. And then she proceeded to give Anonybabe a lecture about only using her paci during nap time in front of me...despite the fact that we planned on letting her use it as her security blanket in her new environs.

Sigh. Nothing Igor does is a crime, and I watch Anonybabe closely when Igor does something uncool to make sure she's handling it. She generally gives Igor a blank "I'm tolerating you, bitch" stare and lets it go.

I worry that I'm an overprotective Anonymommy. So it was nice to hear a couple of you tell me that you thought Igor sucked and it was even nice to hear you recommend that I take stronger measures than I'm prepared to take with her at this point. I agree with my best friend's caveat "It's probably good for Anonybabe to be around people who don't think everything she does is the best idea ever." She then proceeded to tell me to rat Igor out to her boss and confront her myself.

Anyhoodle, I thought we'd try Igor and her sweet boss - let's call her Franky - out for a month and reassess after that.

Have I mentioned what a saint Franky is? She's better than I imagined when we interviewed her. She offers Anonybabe hugs and frequent "I love you's" and doesn't at all take it personally when she's rebuffed, she's given me detailed status reports of the day, including the good, the bad, and the ugly in an unrequested voicemail on Anonybabe's first full day; she lets Anonybabe participate if she wants and lets her lurk around the edges of activities if she wants; she gave Anonybabe a birthday present - a puzzle, because she noticed that Anonybabe liked doing puzzles the few hours she'd been there.

I think I'm in love...except why would she hire such a blah and bossy bitch to be her assistant? Is good help that hard to find?

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