Monday, March 16, 2009


Dudes. Anonybabe pooped in her mother freakin' potty yesterday.

It has oh-so-slowly dawned on me that in potty training, I will have to take the reins and call the shots if I want this thing to happen. My tendency is to just watch things happen at their own pace, watch them unfold.

I think when I thought about it at all I assumed this was how I would potty train. I'd go to the bathroom around Anonybabe, I'd talk about it, I'd let her know that this was what was expected of her, and when she was ready she would choose to do it.

Turns out I'm not that patient. I know that she's fully capable of using the potty. Time to speed up the process. Time to sit her down on the potty every couple of hours and praise her to the stars if something comes out. Time to talk constantly about how she'll be out of diapers soon. Time to bribe her with left over Micky Mouse birthday cake and ice cream.

I want to be done with diapers. I can't snap my fingers and make that happen, so I'm going to do several other things to push us in that direction.

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