Thursday, January 15, 2009

Flip It and Reverse It

Life with Anonybabe has been challenging lately. I went home last night with my loins girded, ready to put in the hard work to enjoy her.

She was an angel last night! She happily kissed and hugged me when I got home, sat in her high chair while we ate, sat at the table and played with play dough with me, helped me load and unload laundry, and then played contentedly around the house while Anonyhub and I did chores, sang songs, and enjoyed each other's company.

It was toothbrushing time that blew my away, though. I got out a Bert finger puppet, ready to try to coerce Anonybabe to let me brush her teeth before she dissolved into her usual shouts and tears. She willingly opened her mouth to let Bert brush her molars, then stopped him and said, "Mama bus tee toooo?". So I took the toothbrush and brushed her top molars! Then she calmly took the toothbrush and scrubbed at her front teeth, handed it back to me and tried to open the bathroom door to get out. When she couldn't she turned to me. "Mama hep Anonybabe?" she asked politely, and when I opened the door for her she turned back to look at me and said "tank you, mama."

?!?!?!? You'd see tears of joy if I weren't so disoriented.

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