Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think I need a pick-me-up

They aren't puppies and rainbows, but these two videos put a little bit of a warm glow in my heart:

Filipino prisoners recreate Thriller:

Having mum & dad over for tea:

For more foul-mouthed hilarity go to


Ahnalog said...

I didn't watch the videos yet; I'll come back when I have more time.

But per the tagline under your blog header: "How do I know what I think till I see what I've spawned?" -- Didn't "Momtaigne" say that? ha ha. :)

anonymom said...

Ahnalog - your puns, here and elsewhere, slay me. (Although I have to admit, that one sailed over my head and I had to do some quick Wikipediaing to assure myself I hadn't inadvertantly ripped off some other mommy blogger. Hey, just because I pun on quotes doesn't mean I know their source).