Monday, January 12, 2009

It feels good when you sing a song

Call me a cheeseball. You'd be absolutely right.

If you can't tell from the 1:1 ratio of personal essays: sesame street blog entries, we watch a lot of Sesame Street in the Anonymom household.

We've been watching Sesame Street Old School DVDs (which have episodes and clips from the 70's) pretty regularly for the past year. Which is how I started to get attached to David. He helped Mr. Hooper out at his store. And he was kind of cute. Kind of super cute. In the last month of so I've really gotten all crushified on him and the song he sang with Olivia below sealed the deal. You will rightly laugh at me for getting all tingly from this, but if I were Olivia and David started boogieing down to try to cheer me up, I'd have the same reaction she did. But with more puppy dog eyes.

I finally decided to google him and find out where in the world he ended up. Why wasn't he doing Elmo's Potty Time DVDs with Gordon and Maria? I was half hoping it was because he'd been living a life of ill-repute.

He died. In 1990. Of stomach cancer. I'm really, really bummed about this.

RIP Northern J. Calloway.
****(Added later). Okay, it may not have been stomach cancer. His family chose not to talk about it too much but apparently there were rumours of mental illness, drug addiction, you name it. It doesn't change the fact that losing this smiley gem of a human being was a sad loss. There's a new book out about the history of Sesame Street (yea!) that I plan on buying to get the goods. I wish I could take Maria out and get her drunk and talking. The stories that woman could tell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post to date!! Thanks for putting up the video because I am sure I have a seedling crush on him as well. Love those hairy jaw bones!!