Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who are you?

Anonybabe has always been incredibly deliberate, slow to roll over, crawl, walk, sing. She waits until she can do things well before unveiling them. She talks with a pause between her words, thinking about and choosing each one carefully, and starting her sentences over if she can't get the words out right.

She was born looking like she was trying to solve a hostage crisis, with a furrowed brow and stricken eyes, and the look lasted for weeks. These days she laughs, sure, but she never, ever approaches anything with reckless abandon.

When we go to play group at the YMCA, and I watch other kids who run hell-for-leather with a damn-the-torpedoes guffaw, I sit and watch and soak it in. It's visual therapy to see kids being impetuous.

"Joyous." "Raucous." I don't think these are words that will ever describe Anonybabe.

She is such a beautiful puzzle to me.


Ahnalog said...

"She was born looking like she was trying to solve a hostage crisis..."

Brilliant line!! :)

This is great stuff!

anonymom said...

Thanks, Ahnalog! I think it came to mind because Anonyhub and I were watching a documentary about Jimmy Carter's presidency the other day.

That day also spawned my favorite Anonybabe quote to date. She was all excited that we were going to watch TV together and then sorely disappointed when we popped in the documentary, and started wailing "Noooo Jimmy Carter! Nooooo!" and then cried harder when we cracked up.

Anonymous said...

"It is the nature of the child to be dependent, and it is the nature of dependence to be outgrown. Begrudging dependency because it is not independence is like begrudging winter because it is not yet spring..." ~Peggy O'Mara

my sister has this quote up on her FB page...i thought it goes nicely with the idea of this post.

we all have our own proverbial winters and springs. babies and adults. :)

do we accept, enjoy and thrive in winter - secure and excited that one day spring will arrive?? or do we torment ourselves - mourning what should have been in fall, while cursing the chills of winter??

miss you d, love the blog...i've gotten thru 2007 and have started 2008. good stuff indeed!