Sunday, February 22, 2009

Anonybabe and Big Bird and Mama and Anonybabe and Sid and Super Why**

My revelation-of-the-day (My fortune cookie revelations. Just as easily consumed, just as easily forgotten):

I'm taking myself waaaaay too seriously with this parenting business. I feel responsible for my child's education, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Although I won't be providing her with her personality, I'm going to be providing her with her starter self-image. I gave her her mother flippin' name.

These are just some of the reasons I walked around with a look of abject terror on my face for the first year of her existence.

It is all a heavy burden. But to quote my grandmother, who, when 21 year-old me told her I didn't think I would have kids for the above reasons: "You aren't supposed to know that ahead of time! You're supposed to figure it out after it's too late!" I laughed. She didn't. She wasn't kidding.

There's something to be said for taking a la-de-da attitude with parenting. Whistle while you work. Thrill with the sheer adrenaline of it, like that tightwalk roper guy who walked between the twin towers. Don't look at yourself splattered on the sidewalk, look at yourself thousands of feet in the air, defying gravity.

**I told Anonybabe I was writing a story about her and asked her what I should title it. :-)

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