Monday, February 23, 2009

Climb every mountain? Nah, just this one.

Today's revelation is a little weightier (for me) than yesterday's; I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it. Here's some simplified exposition:
The hubby wants to change professions - from record store manager with an eye on starting his own store to landscape architect - a move that I fully support. The change will land us in the poor house for the foreseeable future since it will likely involve unpaid internships and lots of additional schooling, but it really suits his dreams and his temperament.

But! I more or less ixnayed his plans to go to school this fall because his first (and almost only) pick was a college that is an hour away from his parents. Even though the school's program is relatively cheap and nearly perfectly suited for his goals. I felt certain if we lived that close to the in-laws, our marriage would be in jeopardy. It was a touchy touchy subject to broach with him, one that kicked off many a horrible fight.

My revelation is this: my problem isn't with my in-laws. It's with Anonyhub and the way he relates to them. The way he sees them. I could happily live next door to them if Anonyhub weren't so fixated on them. Okay next door is a stretch, but it's damn near true. He doesn't realize how emotionally dependent on them he is. When we are away from them, this rarely comes makes me think it's a non-issue. When we are around them, I am reminded of how much I hate how Anonyhub relates to them. How he goes on and on and on about them.

The friends I've talked to about this will say..."what do you mean this is a new revelation? You said the very same thing to me 3 months ago; 8 months ago; 2 years ago!" Yes, but I thought it was a peripheral problem. One we could keep avoiding. Not a deal breaker. Now that it's the big old mountain standing smack dab between us and our next destination, I'm thinking it might be time to tackle this.

So I think I need to bring this up to him. Sit him down, look him in the eye, and admit it. This is a big deal to me. What can we do about it?


Carissa Byers said...

I have comments and opinions, but I think my biggest revelation at the moment is you should live next door to ME and it is a shame I did not discover this sooner!

anonymom said...

Aw. I am truly thrilled to hear you say that. I'm glad we can at least be e-neighbors until something better comes along. :-)