Friday, February 27, 2009

Shave and a haircut

Two bits of awesomeness I got to witness today:

1. Green bean theatre:
Scene - Kitchen, lunchtime. Anonybabe is in her highchair after a leisurely lunch while I putter around the stove, back turned.
Thump, thump, thump of a green been being walked across her tray
Anonybabe: Oh! Gween bean! You o-tay?
Anonybabe-as-greenbean: (In a high falsetto) Oh! No! I pall down!
Anonybabe: Oh no! Apple toss! You o-tay?
Anonybabe-as-apple sauce: (In a gruff low voice) Oh! Yes! I o-tay.
Thump, thump, thump of green bean walking towards blue spoon, who embraces green been and then proceeds to eat her.
Anonybabe-as-blue-spoon: Nom, nom, nom!

2. Unclear on the concept bee:
Since Anonybabe seemed to dig on learning her letters, we got her some alphabet magnets to put on the fridge and will occasionally spell out her name, or ours, or simple words.
Scene - kitchen, standing at the refrigerator
Anonybabe: May wore!
Me: May wore?
Anonybabe: May wer oh pidge!
Me: ???
Anonybabe (lining letters up backwards on the fridge): Eeeeck, Teeee, Seeeee, Eyeeeee, Beeeee, Deeee!
Me: Oh! Make words on the fridge?
Anonybabe (pointing to each letter as she says it): Eck, Tee, See, Eye, Bee, Dee pell (and here she draws her finger backwards along the line of letters she made "I hab idea!"
Me (swoon)

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