Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Can I share some bedtime stories we've been cycling through as we try to get Anonybabe to lie down at night?

It' s more of a formula really: Anonybabe and Pooh Bear and Elmo generally go on adventures together.

Last night they went swimming in the ocean. Each one had a different colored swim noodle and soon some dolphins swam up and gave them rides on their backs as they proceeded to jump over and dive under the noodles. They patted themselves dry (helping each other reach their backs). Then they came home, ate some honey toast and took the bus to the library, where they got to fill up a green shopping basket with all kinds of books and then take the bus home, sit on the couch together and read them.

This story was intended to calm Anonybabe down, but it got her so excited that I thought she was going to explode.

The other night, in our story, they went for a walk in the woods and somebody decided to sing the "moon" song. Anonybabe shot up in bed and demanded that each character sing the song in his voice. "Ellllm? Moooooo?" So I would sing the song in Elmo's voice. "Poooh? Mooooo?" So I would sing the song in Pooh's voice. And so forth and so on until she finally flopped down, exhausted and blissful.

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