Monday, November 24, 2008


God. My last post - in which I more or less say "people are suffering though pain-in-the-ass pregnancies; too bad they aren't me, dahrling! Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Please pass the chardonnay" is a pretty good example of my inadvertant jackassery lately.

I've been feeling constantly inadequate and behind - as a parent and a friend. I asked friends who didn't really want to to watch Anonybabe this past weekend, and handled it about as poorly as I possibly could - asking at the last minute and in a really assuming way, and then backing out without really communicating when or that I was...ugh.

And the more I ask whether people had their own little "no" machines as children, I keep hearing that their kids may not have been sweetness and light, but could at least communicate their desire not to wear their green shirt today without yelling "no" repeatedly and loudly.

Once when I was in 7th grade I had a long blue jean skirt that had a little fly that zipped up the back. It wasn't until 5th period that Kimberlee Greenlee walked up to me from behind, her green Trapper Keeper a privacy guard and stage whispered "Your skirt is unzipped." I could see from the guffawing of the boys around me that she wasn't the only one who had noticed. A quick trip to the bathroom to see how much had been on display only made things worse - every time I'd taken a step my whole back section from butt to mid-thigh had flashed at my classmates behind me. I'd been wearing some worn and childish hot pink panties that should have been replaced long before and had a tendency to ride low. My ass had literally been hanging out. How I hadn't noticed before then is beyond me, I was helpless to make the slow burn in my face go away.

I feel a little like that about my friend/parenting skills lately. Like all of my silly inadequacies have been on display and there's not much I can do about it...not really.

Well, nothing except tell the pink panty story. It seemed so horrible at the time and now it's just a silly little funny. I can be as melodramatic as I want to be about my family's lack of social graces...but life will go on. Hopefully I will learn from my mistakes and wipe out the sting of my bad decisions by making a few dozen good ones in their stead. Spend time with my friends, laugh with them, give them silly gifts, send them funny emails, the like.

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