Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A fond look back

I don't necessarily plan on getting pregnant again, but if I do I won't expect it to be as breezy the second time around. A couple of friends are currently pregnant with their second, and their easy first pregnancies are now encased in a cloud of misty nostalgia as they fight fainting spells, nausea, horrible joint pain and constant trips to the bathroom. (Okay that last one isn't so novel).

It made me want to commemorate the good parts of my pregnancy with Anonybabe. No matter what, I only got to ride that wagon once. One thing I liked was how freaking good I felt about my body. I ballooned starting the moment of conception, steadily packing on over 50 pounds by the time I delivered. But I never felt so luscious in my life. I delighted in wearing skin tight shirts that accentuated my belly, and low cut shirts that showcased my swelling cleave. I felt like superwoman during the 2nd trimester, like I was constantly high on some really really good shit. I smiled a lot. I ate a lot. 2nd trimester and a positive birth more than made up for the constant queasiness of the 1st trimester and the lumbering heaviness, antsy nerves, and interminably sleepless nights of the 3rd. And I wanted sex all the time.

Sigh. Good times.

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