Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sweet nothings

There's so much to talk about and so little I want to say. I've been retreating into myself lately. It's not a good thing, but sometimes these ebbs of generosity just have to be weathered. I'll just introduce a couple of things I wanted to talk about and write as much as I have the energy for.

Went to a homeschool association meeting the other night. I was floored; it was lovely. It was set up as a formal meeting, with minutes and a business section and such. But people brought materials to sell or give away, they chatted and ate popcorn that somebody brought. And there's always a topic of discussion; this time it was "the other" parent. Pretty much everybody talked about their setup as far as who the main educator was and what the other person did to support them. Some people loved their setup, some people hated it. Some people had hoed a long hard row to get where they were, some people had fallen into their roles easily. Most people who had been homeschooling a while had changed and progressed over the years. Everyone shared so openly, with only one person in a group of about 40 crossing the line into oversharing. I was buzzing with goodwill when I left, and again kind of hoped that Anonybabe wants to homeschool. That we're presented with a situation where she'll thrive if we do it. I like the idea of homeschooling, but can't get ahead of myself. There's so much to gain if there are good schools around. Or even just one or two good teachers and some decent classmates.

Another thing is I think I found something of a soulmate in a girl I used to babysit. We found each other on facebook. I think I friended her when I first started there; it's strange that I did, but at first I would befriend anybody and everybody I knew even remotely. She went to my church and just graduated from a Christian college and is pretty disillusioned with religion as she knows it. It was great to get to chat with her about life, god, and whatnot. Who'd have thunk that little button nosed girl would turn out to be someone I could unload the story of my college angst to, and vice versa?

Anonybabe must have burst into tears ten times today. "Today" being a five hour span, since she got up at 9:30 and went to sleep at 2:30. Holy crap, look at the time! I'd better go wake her up if I want to sleep tonight!

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