Monday, May 26, 2008

The goddess in me

I'm very loosely into attachment parenting. I stubbornly refuse to read up on it, even though
the little snippets I heard about it make sense and line up with my "parenting philosophy" of sorts. I just don't like the idea of being a born again attachment parent, just like I don't like the idea of being a neo-hippy but like pretty much everything about that lifestyle, or at one point didn't like the idea of being an Obama-head even though a fairly detailed questionnaire I filled out that matched up my ideas about government and policy with all of the candidates' matched me at something like 97% agreement with Obama's voting record and platform.

I don't really know why I don't want to be seen as one of the parents who has gone down the attachment rabbit hole. And I don't really want to delve into it here. There's the way you see yourself, and then there's the way you are. Hopefully the twain shall meet.

There's a comic blog I've been reading lately called "Hathor the Cow Goddess" by a woman who is a joyful and raucous proponent of attachment parenting and co-sleeping, and public breastfeeding, and what have you. I think if I met her in person she would annoy the living shit out of me. Some of her cartoons do the same thing. Does she have to be so political and self-righteous about every aspect of her parenting? But then I agree with a lot of what she's saying: make nurturing your kids a priority, love is more important than going by the book, and it really shouldn't be such a big deal to whip out your boobs in public.

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