Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This post needs no title

I'm struggling to write an article about the birth of Anonybabe. Struggling because to my surprise, I liked giving birth. A lot. Pain and fatigue and blood aside, it was awesome. And that's kind of hard to come to terms with, to this day. Surely it's wrong to like something that rends your body like that, especially when everybody else seems to have a horror story attached to their labor and delivery.

And then I hit upon the perfect metaphor: giving birth is like anal sex.

Bear with me, here -- at the wrong time and under the wrong circumstances, anal can be a horrible, painful, and traumatic experience. But done by the right person, when you're in the right frame of mind: relaxed and calm and kind of knowing what to expect and what to do, it can be...quite pleasurable. See? Childbirthish.

Now I just gotta slant this into a story fit for mass consumption. Anybody got any good euphamisms for getting fucked in the ass?

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