Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stormy Weather

Anonybabe is generally the calm sort, but there are a few things that consistently cause her to lose her shit:

Apples, when taken away or especially when taken out of her mouth
Ice Cream, when not spooned over fast enough
Keys, especially when they're taken away but even when they aren't handed over

And the biggest, baddest tantrum inducer is the stairs. She points to every single front stupe we pass as we walk down the street. God help you if you take her off of the stairs before she's ready. Or gently but firmly remind her to go down them feet first instead of hand (and subsequently head) first. She cried big salty tears for minutes on end (yes, only minutes; I told you she was calm. It's a lot for her) the last few times we pried her cold, splintered hands from the steps leading to our upstairs neighbors and took her inside.

Do you see any method in her madness? I don't.

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