Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I love you, you're perfect, now change


There are only so many times a person can play "guess what I'm pointing to?" with a one-year old before getting bored. For the bad rap that 2-3 year olds get, I find it refreshing that they can tell me they've pooped their pants. Or confirm that yes, the shit-fit they're throwing has everything to do with the toy you just put away.

I'm ready for Anonybabe to talk and grow up a little, even though a) I don't know how she could develop any faster and b) the developing she's done has already made life a little more complicated (if interesting). Anonybabe has a will which gets stronger every day, right in step with her ability to express that will. T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Yes, yes, I know that it all goes so fast. And I've accepted that life and parenting will get exponentially more complicated the older Anonybabe gets. I'm just feeling the grass-is-greener-over-there pangs after babysitting a 2 year-old.

She can zip her own pj's. Is that so much to ask?

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