Thursday, July 10, 2008

Uptight? Alright!

Anonyhub recently brought home a "Best of Bert & Ernie" CD. I was stoked to hear it had several songs from a Sesame Street album I wore out as a kid. It's all just as good as I remember.

It was a revelation to discover how damn funny Bert was! I was suckered in by Ernie's it's-all-good nature and his infernal giggling as a child, but now I've seen the light.

Viva la Bert!

If you click on Bert's face, you'll hear them singing the "L" song. I found myself getting really protective & angry when Ernie corrects Bert because his words aren't pleasant enough. Stfu, you bland muppet, and let Bert revel in his lumpy oatmeal!

P.S. Try making up your own lyrics to the "L" song (link on Bert's picture). It's a good way to pass the time on the way to work. To whit: La, la, la, Lysol; la, la, la, Lithuania; la, la, la, la laxative; La, la, la, la Lyme disease


anonymom said...

Let me preface this comment to my own post by saying I love word games. I can't stop singing this song & trying to think up L words. I even made up rules to an L word song game that would basically involve going back and forth spitting out words or phrases that start with L until somebody gets stuck.

Can you say la la la la loser?

Anyhoo, I'm going to use this post as a log for my favorite L words. Why not? I'm anonymous here, especially in the comments, and I think the people who know me already know I'm a lost cause.

Maybe someday I can gather the best ones and start a band called the Berts and this'll be our song:

anonymom said...

la la la lymphoma

anonymom said...

la la la la Lysterine

anonymom said...

la la la la lost cause

anonymom said...

la la la la Lichtenstein

anonymom said...

la la la la left field

anonymom said...

la la la la lambic
la la la la lava lamp
la la la la light weight
la la la lilliputian

anonymom said...

la la la lumpectomy
la la la la listserve
la la la laugh track
la la la laparoscopy

anonymom said...

la la la la legwork
la la la la leprechaun
la la la la lynchpin
la la la L.A. Lakers

la la la la lucid
la la la la LSD
la la la limp wristed
la la la la languor

la la la la lead paint
la la la la lightning bug
la la la la lard ass
la la la la law school