Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who came first?

I haven't had a sex drive to speak of for about 2 months, maybe more. I haven't wanted sex, not even out of a feeling of obligation to Anonyhub or because I hated the idea of being a person who would happily go for months without.

I had more or less embraced this unsexed version of me when my libido popped up overnight like a crop of smelly mushrooms. I found myself listening to Savage Lovecasts again, Anonyhub and I had sex twice in one week, I found myself wondering if I would be hurt if Anonyhub ever hooked up with this one person I suspect he has a crush on and who I adore (I think not, but maybe I'm crazy), I felt an unexpected stab of lust for someone else, I've been eating a lot of beef, watching a bunch of poorly sexed up music videos, listening to R&B, wearing heels and earrings and my boobjob bra three days in a row to work, and shaving my legs.

I don't know who gets to wear the "egg" nametags in this bunch, and who gets to be "chicken", but I think I like having my sexual identity back for a bit.

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