Monday, July 28, 2008

Words and worms

So Anonybabe is very slowly but surely adding words to her communication arsenal.

"Mama" and "Daddy" are the only ones she says clearly and consistently, but she'll repeat stuff, saying something like a mantra for a while before dropping it and moving on. Anonyhub told me about my recent favorite. He was cleaning her after a massive poop and readied a wipe for some detail work. "Ok, " he said, "let's clean out your hoo-ha."

"Hoo ha", Anonybabe repeated, again and again after seeing Anonyhub crack up. She even said it on the phone for me. Snicker.

And Anonyhub said he managed to take a shower while Anonybabe was awake today; he let her throw bath toys in the tub while he soaped up. She's seen him take showers before, and seen him change many times, but today she seemed to notice for the first time the difference between boys and girls. She tends to point repeatedly to anything she wants identified, and she kept pointing to Anonyhubs nethers, again and again.

I didn't find out yet whether he gave it a kicky nickname akin to "hoo ha".

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