Monday, April 21, 2008

Camels and steaks and pornographers, oh my!

Oh happy sigh.

Anonyhub and Anonybabe and I had such a lovely day yesterday. Wait, let me back up a bit. It was a lovely weekend in general.

We had some buddies over Friday night for some grillin' on the barbie. The steaks - they were good, the salad - 'twas amazing, and the wine (as evidenced by my wincing hangover the next day) - was four glasses too good to pass up. One couple brought their 2 1/2 year old daughter, and she and Anonybabe giggled their pink and beflowered socks off together. This both warmed my heart (Anonybabe won't be debilitatingly shy forever!) and made me a little sad (Anonybabe won't always need to snuggle her little head under my chin for comfort!).

Let's fast forward right through hangover Saturday and jump right to Sunday, shall we? (Drinking is fun but caring for a toddler while nursing a hangover is exponentially less fun).

Anonyhub left early to log some hours at work while Anonybabe and I slept in a bit, ate breakfast, took a much needed bath. Then we all took the el to the Lincoln Park Zoo, where a random assortment of free concerts were taking place in honor of Earth Day. The sun shone, the camels chewed their cud, Anonybabe got to gleefully crawl around in the grass and dirt, and then we got to take a long leisurely walk back to our bus stop.

A few hours gave us just enough time for Anonybabe to take a serious nap before we dropped her off at her babysitter's - a couple our age we are doing a babyswap with. She was a little clingy but we left without too much fuss.

And then! Anonyhub and I got to see the New Pornographers (sans Neko Case) play at the Vic. I've never paid much attention to their lyrics - they may be about death and taxes for all I know - but their music has this great drive to it. It can be a little too light & tinny on CD, but live it was great. We both walked away with huge smiles on our faces and machinations in our minds about the bands we were going to respectively start.

And when we went to pick Anonybabe up she was certainly jazzed to see us, but we heard she'd had a dandy time: chasing the two big glossy cats around the apartment, reading book after book (she was clutching one in her hand when we walked in and showed it to me, giving it a loud kiss for effect and then holding it out to me so I could give it a smack), and generally having a gay old time.

The Anonybabe, she has fun without the parents? This, my friends, is going to open up a whole new world of good times to yours truly. Par-tay!

1 comment:

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