Thursday, April 10, 2008

Plan for the worst, hope for the best

Anonyhub and I made a schedule for ourselves the other night. He has to log in a certain number of hours per week at work, doesn't matter when. After a year of chaos and resentment on my part ("You're going to work now?! And you'll be there how long?!") we finally noodled out that a schedule might bring some peace to our household. (Read: he noodled it out. I might've gone on huffing forever). At least I could expect when to be disappointed that he wouldn't be around. Three evenings are fixed; he must work. Of our four flexible evenings, we have scheduled two for his work, one for "family night" where we all hang together, and one where a parent gets to traipse off and do whatever he or she pleases, each gets to go every other week.

Notice something missing? No, it's not more alone time, although that's a good guess. One night to one's self every two weeks surely ain't right.

We have planned absolutely no time to spend with each other without Anonybabe. Nada. Her bedtime is later than mine at this point, so that means absolutely no waking time with just the two of us unless it magically drops out of the sky. We do occasionally plan outings and ask a friend to babysit, to the tune of once a month, maybe.

This is not smart.

Part of the problem is that I hate leaving butt munch (aka Anonybabe) with people when I know she'll be uncomfortable. But I may just have to get over that, as will she. Ragamuffin (aka Anonybabe) can learn to have fun with other people. Or she'll learn to like a balanced visitation schedule with her papa and me ONCE WE SPLIT UP.

Giving up our alone-by-ourself time is a much quicker path to splitsville. Anonyhub and I both need a healthy dose of isolation to get through the week. So I've got to figure out a way we can go on a date regularly within our time constraints without breaking the bank.

Hire a babysitter? Once every two weeks? For just a couple of hours? Surely we can't afford not to.

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