Thursday, April 3, 2008

Foody Patootie

This past year's puritanical obsession with healthy food has been well chronicled here. Although I'm slowly becoming more balanced/less shrill about what goes into Anonybabe's mouth, I'm still paying the piper for it.

Last night we were having ham & eggs and I asked Anonybabe if she wanted a bite. "Just last week you didn't want her to have any ham because it's too salty and nitratey!" Anonyhub complained. He exaggerates. It was more like last month. But yeah, I did harp on him a little about that. I just know that I will only give her one or two bites, and also that I give myself a pass because my vegetable to Dr. Pepper ratio is way way better than Anonyhub's. Which has nothing to do with what goes in Anonybabe's mouth but has everything to do with getting to feel self-righteous about my eating choices.

I've got to give him props, though. Anonyhub did try the Ratatouille I made last night for her. He purposefully tried it before asking what was in it. He didn't eat any more after I told him, but I appreciate the giant risk-taking leap that was for him. The boy has food is-SUES, and I worry that Anonybabe will take after her father.

Given that she swoons for broccoli and brussel sprouts, I don't have much to worry about as yet.

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