Wednesday, February 20, 2008


You know what this blog really needs? Yes! That's just what I was thinking! Bad poetry!

I started killing some of the insipid time I spend pumping at work writing Haikus and limericks. I'm not even sure I know how to write haikus or limericks but that didn't stop me. Or even drive me to double-check my form before posting them.

Part of my inspiration must go to Haiku Mama: (because 17 syllables is all you ever have time to read). It had several haikus about poop, and the intro says that for every poop haiku that made the cut, there were about 100 more behind it, but the editor didn't want a poop-themed haiku book. Anybody that likes saying poop as much as I do is okay by my count.

But I digress. I wrote another couple today and it dawned on my that I should foist them onto the blog. Enjoy. Or not.

P.S. I tried to find a good picture of diaper oragmi to post with no luck, but I did find this.

P.S.S. I'm hoping this incites you to chime in with offerings of your own.

bagged eyes, red all through.
forgot your bright baby blues.
I'm sorry, sick girl

Sad eyes, lip aquiver
Why'd I have to yell at you?
Oh yes, nip biter

There is a young lass of ten months
Who cries so she'll get what she wants
Her momma cried too
When a bout of "fuck you"
Left her nose scratched and hurting in fronts

Do you hate me, munch?
Self-indulgent musings are
Par for the course, no?

Why, oh my pumpkin
did you prefer Dad last night?
Wheedling flirt kicked in

Desperate for love,
but desperate to cook, too.
Ignore you for beans.

There was a wee girl from Chicago
Whose poop was quite kaleidoscopal
She'd grunt and she'd heave
Red-faced, then she'd leave
A pile of some sad-smelling offal

Oh, my pants-a-france
Who says "fuck" to a baby?
This mama, that's who

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