Tuesday, February 5, 2008


For a long time - like, years and years, I could slice onions without tearing up. I remembered a time when onion fumes burned, back when I was a child, but hadn't really experienced the sting for eons. I didn't consciously congratulate myself for my dry eyes, but looking back, part of me thought crying over onions was for the weak of eye, and that I was pretty rad.

Cut through an onion-friendly youth and young adulthood to the present. I got an eye infection and was forced to wear glasses for 10 days. During that time I cut onions and holy-of-holies did it burn! I was confused for a long, weepy moment; my eyes don't burn when I cut onions...and then it dawned on me that in the daylight hours between the ages of 10 and 33, my eyes were pretty much constantly covered by contact lenses. I only took them out right before I went to bed, and had not yet found occasion to chop onions with my back resting against the headboard.

So for 20-odd years I thought I had this minor super power, when really I was just getting an unacknowledged assist from my contacts. I'm pretty amused by my easy assumption that I was somehow stronger and better than everybody else, even if it was just in the onion-cutting department. It makes me wonder how many other invisible assists I get that make my life great that I don't even realize.

I'm like the upper-middle classer who opposes welfare because I have never needed it; why should anyone? I also feels like this applies to my relationship with Anonyhub; I thought we got along more or less swimmingly before Anonybabe because of our incredible maturity, foresight, and levelheadedness. Not, as I'm coming to realize, because we'd never experienced a real challenge to our relationship until it tap-danced across our noses in the form of Anonybabe. Looks like I'm absolutely blind to my own priviledge and quick to take credit where it isn't due.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!