Friday, February 1, 2008

In & Out

From the time she could grasp objects in her hand, Anonybabe has delighted in emptying toy baskets, sock bins, bookshelves...anything that had things in it that she could get out, she would do so with relish. We have video of one of the first times she pulled herself up, it was on a box of CDs that Anonyhubby was pricing to sell on Amazon. She immediately got lost in pulling cases out of the box and tossing them onto the floor. Before long she was leaning so far into the box that her little feet were dangling off of the carpet, CDs flying over her shoulder . If we needed to keep her occupied, we would always just give her something to empty. She also has a little affectation that to us is cute, but to others who have no reason to like my daughter might be eyebrow raising: she always tosses things aside with a flick of her wrist that implies "ugh! This old thing." It makes her look like a horrible baby snob.

But yesterday was a watershed day; she actually deigned to put something in a container. And she did it again today! Anonyhub and I were both very happy to see this; me because now I don't have to worry about her having some emptying-only OCD, and Anonyhub has misty-eyed visions of the two of them organizing closets together someday.

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