Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tabula Rasa

Ya'll. Hi. I kinda have nothing to blog about. I mean, a lot happened this weekend with my Denver buddy and her 4 1/2 mo. old daughter, but because of her visit I'm feeling a very pleasant lack of angst. I don't need to vent; I don't need to process. Instead of my usual psychic choppiness I'm feeling like a still pond after a cooling rain.

Like my PBS yoga show imagery? Good. Me too.

I'm even feeling the love for Anonyhubby again, even though he managed to get in a few digs about my tendency to micromanage Anonybabe's diet. To whit: "What!?" (He feigns shock to my buddy who is letting her daughter mouth food as she seems to become interested in it) "You're letting her mouth touch apple?" (and at this point he goes to the list that's posted on the refrigerator from this book, showing when certain foods can be introduced to her) "Why that's not on the know, THE List?...for one...two...three! Three months! Heaven help you!" I think he found great relief in hamming it up for my friend, who had to giggle uncomfortably while he vented because really, she's on his side when it comes to chilling the fuck out, but she's on my side when it comes to husbands who want to mock and humiliate you.

But still, giving all of my attention to my friend and her awesome little one was like a little vacay from Anonyhub, and I "came back" all refreshed and ready to dig him again. Hell, hanging out with my friend was a little vacay, period. She's fun. We bundled up ourselves and our babies in the gawd awful subzero temperatures and sallied forth to a baby boutique, a vegetarian breakfast, the southside for a lunch with her in-laws, a sushi place, her sister's, a latin fusion restaurant, and my doula's where we finally cashed in on the massage my buddy was supposed to get the night I went into labor with Anonybabe.

On the way to the massage we fishtailed in the approximately 2 solid inches of ice covering all of the non-major roads of Evanston - we hear most of the suburbs are short on salt this winter - and ended up getting the nose of my Camry wedged against one car's wheel well and the tail end sitting about half an inch from a car directly across the street while we sat blocking traffic. It took a village to get us out of that one, with car owners and neighbors shuffling carefully out onto the ice to help direct moving the cars and our babies cooing in the car while one or the other of us got out to do damage control. I won't do the owner of the car I dinged justice here, but she was an 80 year-old Chinese woman who'd been drinking already (10am)! And would flap her arms violently at us when we would try to help walk her over the ice between her car and her house. "You people leave me alone!" Other than her aversion to being helped over slippery terrain, she was very accommodating, offering to let us come inside with the babies and telling us not to worry about the crack to her rear bumper. I'm still waiting to get a sober call from her asking for repair money.

All in all, it was a little sun, a lot of ice, a little laughing, a little relaxing, a lot of good eating...a lovely weekend.

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