Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Be Fried where the Street Ends

When I was in grade school the girl I hung out with most and I got a couple of "Best Friends" necklaces. They consisted of a heart pendant that had been split down the middle, lightening bolt style, so that my heart half read "BE FRI" and her heart half read "ST ENDS". We never really were best friends, more extremely shy girls who clung to each other for companionship in an area that had slim companionship pickins.

But my buddy who is coming to visit me next weekend from Denver is true best friend material. (I just chose to share this blog with her last week so she'll be reading this now...Hi, buddy!) We are the dorkiest of dorks together...laughing at really stupid and crass shit. She and Anonyhubby are probably the only two people who truly know that I like mah humor course, and while Anonyhubby just shakes his head and looks a little helpless when I make dick and vagina jokes, my buddy laughs uproariously and then comes back with something six times as funny.

In an eerie-but-true tit-for-tat, my buddy, who just happened to get pregnant with her first child six months after I did, planned to visit me around my due date in the hopes that she'd get to be there for the birth. My water broke the day she flew in and I got to see her and laugh with her the first week of my daughter's life. I planned a visit to Denver a couple of weeks before her due date, since her family was already visiting around the time her baby was due. Her water broke the day I was to fly in and I got to spend the first week of her daughter's life in her home. It was amazing. It really did feel like I was a tool in my daughter's coming-into-being, like I wasn't the one calling the shots, so sometimes I imagine that our daughters are fated to be in each other's lives.

Anyway, she's flying all the way from Denver to Chicago with her baby girl and I am t-h-r-i-l-l-e-d to get to see her. You may spot us at Frontera. We'll be the obnoxious mamas packin' babies, squirting drinks out of our noses as we guffaw at each other's jokes.

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