Monday, January 21, 2008

Food Nazi intervention

Forgot to mention that I relaxed my deathgrip on Anonybabe's eating regimine this weekend, and how! (And when I tell you what she got to eat you'll realize what an uptight killjoy I usually am...when I told Anonyhubby he fake gasped and informed Anonybabe she'd better start coffin shopping). I meant to pack quite a bit of food but didn't; and when we got there it was freaking cold and it just didn't make sense to make a special trip to the grocery store for food when she would actually be okay eating what was in the house. Drumroll, please:
crackers! not whole grain!
havarti cheese with herbs, not raw, natural, or unsalted!
pineapple, not organic!
cantelope, ditto!
sourdough bread, made with white flour and preservatives!
cream of wheat, with a year-old expiration date!
peas with added salt!

and as a kicker, when we went to brunch on Sunday and for various reasons it ended up taking 2 hours longer than we thought it was going to and I was unprepared with food for her:
butternut risotto cakes that were salty as all hell and may or may not have had egg whites.

She seemed to enjoy her weekend eats thoroughly. And I seem to be coming down from my ivory tower food mentality little by little. Yea, me!

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