Monday, January 28, 2008

Write-diddy write, right?

I got my first assignment from an online writing school that I signed up for recently. Hopefully this is not a rip-off. It doesn't look to be. Anonyhubby thinks otherwise, but he suspects everything is a rip-off. At least he still lets me do what I'm gonna do without giving me much flack. And I'm gonna take this class! It's supposed to help me get at least two articles ready to submit to magazines for publishing. It would be sweet to write for pay, but at the very least it would be even sweeter to overcome my fear of submitting, writing, or even thinking of publishing articles.

I have Anonybabe to thank for helping me go out on a limb and take this class. Writing for public consumption has been a dream of mine for a long time, but horrifying, irrational fears have kept me from trying it much. I don't want to be the mom who never tried to do what she really wanted to do, I want to be a good example, and so, the class. It may or may not go anywhere as far as actually getting anything published, but right now I'm just so proud of myself for putting me out on any kind of limb that I don't much care. I took a baby step! I'm gonna heap at least as much praise on myself as I do on Anonybabe for her first steps.

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