Monday, January 21, 2008

Up up and away - The epilogue

Epilogues are at the end, right? Where you wrap things up? I'm too tired to look.

I'm exhausted. Pittsburgh was fun, my friends were lovely. I even kind of reconnected with this friend (who is fun to be around because she's smart as a whip and just so darn perceptive...if only I could see her putting some effort into being my friend. Plus we tend to bring out the uptight nerdiness in each other).

Anonybabe was fine as long as she was in my arms or near me; she didn't look nearly as unhappy as she was with the in-laws, but she would definitely sit tight-lipped on my girlfriends' laps until I picked her up. She shut down, too, when my friend's 5 year old tried to show Anonybabe how to play with some baby toys they had in the house, stuffing hats roughly on her head and hugging her with stuffed bears. Anonybabe was safe in my lap, so she just stared open-mouthed at the girl until she got lost in doing some puzzles. Only then did Anonybabe crawl out of my lap to investigate and stare up at this older girl. Anonybabe is such a gentle little soul. It breaks my heart a little to see her be so shy.

Her cough is getting worse rather than better. We tried the home remedy of rubbing Vicks vapo-rub on the soles of her feet and then putting cotton socks on over them in the hopes that would help. It didn't keep her from hacking intermittently last night. I think her coughing woke my friends up quite a bit over the weekend, although they were too polite to complain about it.

Anonybabe tends to pick one syllable every two weeks and use it to describe everything, and as of Friday, that syllable is "ooooooooh". It's very cute. The whole world is a wonderland. She also greatly enjoys grabbing my nose and hearing me say "honk". She'll do this over and over again, which hurts like a bitch when her fingernails haven't been clipped. She's also cottoning on to mimicry. Last night she threw her hands up in the air, so I did the same; then she'd slam them down on her high chair so I'd hit the table. A light when on in her eyes and we did this five or six times. Loved it! I swear she's trying to mimic certain words too, although this has been very sparse. I do think "ooooooooh" she picked up from Anonyhubby.

I thought I was going to go home and make dinner tonight while Anonyhubby did homework, but I think I'll be picking up dinner on the way home. Too tired to think!

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