Monday, January 28, 2008

Time distracts you from all wounds

After crying on your shoulder on Wednesday's blog, I should 'fess up to the good day Anonybabe and I had on Friday. If we were lovers we would have been smiling at each other's sunlit faces as we ran hand in hand through a field of wildflowers. Our day was just that good. I woke up bizarrely chipper. I think Anonybabe could have been the infant from hell and I would have just gazed lovingly at her and said "oh YOU". But she was in a great mood too. Just the gift I needed from mother nature after Wednesday's sobfest. I think the good, bad, and ugly of returning to normal after birthing a child are all coming about, complete with the glorious hormonal mood swings mama estrogen has seen fit to give me since the tender age of twelve. Anyway, I slowly came down off of my beatific high so that by Sunday night I was my usual self. Meaning, in a good enough mood but also touchy.
So what was Anonybabe doing that was so goddam special? The usual generic cute baby stuff: laughing every chance she got, crawling around & exploring, splashing gleefully at the side of the bathtub...and then some nuts and bolts things that made my life great: pooping these little compact turds that were easy to flick in the toilet, pushing her water glass away gently when she didn't want a drink instead of her usual violent downward yank that sends water spilling onto her lap or the floor, hanging out when I needed her to hang, sleeping when I needed her to sleep, eating when it was convenient to eat.
Thank god for the magic days, they give me the fuel I need to coast through the crappy ones.

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