Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Le Sigh

Man, last night was rough. Anonyhubby and I probably got 2 hours of sleep between the two of us. Anonybabe is a perfect storm of unhappiness right now, what with her nose running like a spigot, incessant sneezing, a rattling cough, diarrhea, no appetite, fever, and -- the cherry on top (or possibly the cherry of causation) -- what look to be 4 teeth coming in at once.

I'm all for letting the body do its thing, so I decided to let her sink into her fever sans Tylenol, until about 4am when she hadn't really gotten any substantive sleep, was crying inconsolably, wouldn't nurse, wouldn't make eye was scary. So we gave her a half dose of Tylenol on top of the Orajel we'd been using and she almost immediately perked up. Nursed for the first time in 8 hours and instead of her zombie-like crying, popped off of my boob to comment on the situation: "Bah!" And then gnawed her pacifier to sleep, complete with "gnyah gnyah gnyah" sound effects. The respite only lasted 30 minutes or so, she was up and down again after that.

I don't want to take away all of anonybabe's pain; I think the body has amazingly evolved ways of working things out for itself, but I gotta give Tylenol and Orajel their props; they really saved the last night.

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