Friday, January 11, 2008

Snot and hacking and crying, oh my!

Damn it people. I want a break. A big one.

I was very mommy dearest last night. I wanted sleep and I wasn't getting any. Anonybabe would sleep only if she was in my arms and I was completely vertical. No lying in the bed, no sitting in the lazy boy, no sitting anywhere where I could actually sleep. And I wasn't happy about it. And I let this poor innocent baby know it. Plenty of "what the fuck's" to go around. Plenty of "What?....WHAT?"s.

Anonybabe has been really off of her food since around new year's, and she finally started eating in earnest yesterday, so naturally we let her set to in a big way. The result was a night of gastronomic discomfort. I would slather orajel on anonybabe's gums, thinking she was teething (by the way, I got just a little dab on my lips last night and that stuff is strong) and five minutes of crying later she would fart and quiet down.

Hubby and baby are still sick. Have been off and on since Christmas. Nothing serious, according to the pedi, just a series of one common ailment after another. I took the last day and a half off of work to care for them. Hubby was feeling better yesterday afternoon so I got an hour and a half to myself at a local coffee shop. there were three babies there playing together and it made me want to go home and see my sweeties. I'm such a sucker. I should've taken more time alone to refuel.

Sometimes, ladies and gentlemen, love bites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say is the boob, the boob, the boob. My cure for all baby's ailments, which of course often doesn't work when they are teething or have snot stuck in their nose. But I loved nursing them and having them fart immediately and then the at least momentary peace.