Monday, March 24, 2008

Farting away the time

Want to know what I've been doing rather than blogging these days?

Well, other than the trip to see my sister in Arkansas (included with the cost of the trip: one two-legged, smalled planed flight into to a gorgeous lightening storm, one surprising sensation of love for my home-state when I felt the thunderstorm whipping warm air across my bare skin, one Skoal dipping brother-in-law who mumbles, one double-wide trailer, three hellion children, one overwhelmed daughter, one grocery store that wouldn't know fresh spinach if it bit it on the foot...and forget organic anything, three trips to Sonic, five jokes at my expense for feeding Anonybabe weird things like eggs and green peppers, two trips to visit a high school friend and her dog that Anonybabe showered with open-mouthed kisses, one visit from my father and step mother, two Anonybabe meltdowns when they tried to hold her, one ensuing six-foot long caterpillar as a present for Anonybabe, one trip to the post office to ship said caterpillar home, two lovely hours spent sitting in the yard sunning my legs and watching Anonybabe gleefully pull up grass in nothing but a diaper and a onesie, approximately 12 movies and 6 shows I never would have watched on my own...Kickin It Old Skool?, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector?, approximately one show that kicked ass, one nasty virus that laid my sister up for two days, six secret eyebrow raises towards my sister for being too hard on her stepdaughter, one moment of epiphany when I realize the child is aggravating and it's hard not to give her a hard time, and one flight home in a massive storm)

and a visit from the in-laws (included were countless hours at the stinking mall, seven tetchy comments about the fact that we don't feed Anonybabe sugary food and wouldn't let her eat the goldfish crackers or teddy grahams being fed to her 9 month old cousin, 6 long hours where Anonybabe was left crying in the arms of her aunt and grandparents while Anonyhub and I worked, one victorious carrot cake recipe, one very pleasant first birthday party (Anonybabe's) at the Garfield Conservatory, one ex-botany teacher we ran into there and fed cupcakes in exchange for a guided tour of the fern room, one Anonybabe who was thrilled to eat her first processed sugar in the form of said cupcakes, one father-in-law who crowed victoriously at Anonybabe's obvious pleasure in eating said sugar, many thoughtful and cute and amazing gifts from many thoughtful, cute and amazing friends, one forward facing car seat, one very long drive to an uncle-in-laws for Easter Sunday lunch, one Easter Egg hunt, one yippy dog, countless aunts and uncles and cousins, one unwanted but admittedly cute Easter outfit from the mother-in-law, one dysfunctional camera, 6 mini-cheesecakes, one nap on a floral couch, and one Wendy's Frostie)

I've been writing stuff for a couple of writing classes I'm taking,

and I've been watching these:

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