Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wait, did that just happen?

So we finally broke down and bought a crib for Anonybabe...I dunno....a month or so ago? She'd been sleeping with us, an arrangement that I hadn't really planned on originally, but that felt really right when she was born, and felt extremely right later when I had to get up in the middle of the night to nurse her and then get up and go to work the next day. You can sleep and nurse, and by golly who wouldn't want to do that?

Then we spent a few unnecessary months enduring her tossing and turning because we just weren't quite ready to have her out of the bed. (Plus she still nursed in the middle of the night, which may have been because we still had her in the bed...but given the fact that I was away from her all day, I didn't mind the circular logic if Anonyhubby and Anonybabe didn't....despite Anonymom-in-laws assertions that they could "break" her of this if we'd just hand her over for a week. Thank you, no.)

Finally we bought a bed that transitioned into a toddler bed and then a full bed, with big, white curvy slopes of a headboard and side boards, and jarring chunky bars on the sides. When we put Anonybabe in it for the first time, Anonyhub told her she looked like a Lion from the circus, and her bed does look like one of those train car cages from Dumbo.

As a way to ease out of bed sharing (probably for me more than her), we made her crib into the toddler day bed and put it right next to my side of the bed, so she could easily crawl from one bed to another. Voila! We could lay her down in her bed to sleep but easily roll over and pull her into our queen sized bed for a 3am snack. She was a little freaked out even by this at first, opening her eyes from what we'd think was a deep sleep and crying out when we tried to lay her down. (The same response we got every time we tried to have her sleep in a Pack N Play, by the way.) Then she'd stay asleep but cry as soon as she woke up. Then she'd stay asleep and cry when she wanted to nurse. Then...and I don't want to jinx this by hanging up my "Mission Accomplished" banner too soon...but for the past two nights she's gone to sleep in my arms, I lay her down, and but for a little tossing and turning, there she's stayed until I pick her up again for a morning nurse before heading off to work!

She seems very comfortable in her bed. She plays in it, looks at her "buh!"s in it. Maybe this was a long slow torture getting her into her own bed this way, but on the whole, I've enjoyed the process.

Forget crying it out, I prefer waiting it out.

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