Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Follow the quivering bloody muscle

I like saying "follow my gut" rather than "follow my heart" when it comes to reading my inner compass. Same idea, but "following my heart" sounds so twee. So Hallmark. Even though the heart itself looks more like a quivering gut than a valentine. And the whole process of following your heart is a lot less like pink candy mints and calling in to Delilah than it is like that scene from Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom. Messy. Ugly. Ultimately fun as hell.

You know the saying, we're all naked beneath our clothes? When I was in jr. high, I was told to picture any person who made me nervous naked and/or taking a dump. Supposedly this would help me accept them as another vulnerable human being. It worked particularly well on one condescending dude in my class.

Well, we're all a writhing mass of blood and guts and fat and nerves and bile beneath our neatly washed hair and deodoranted armpits. I'm going to start picturing the joyful glut of bodily fluids and tissue that make up life as I know it when I start to get too uptight about....well, anything. Life is messy, life is fun. Life is complicated, life takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Etc., etc.

P.S. I found this clip looking for the one above. I love people and god bless you tube


Anonymous said...

Not having children, I had to look up the word twee. It feels like twee could become a word that hipsters use.

Anonymous said...

Deanna, I love your blog and if for some reason, say my lack of comments, you have been lead to believe that you don't have enough of an audience, please receive my plea to keep blogging......I always read it though often I am too lazy to comment.