Monday, March 31, 2008

Play like you're learning

I am 33. My "Jesus Year" as Anonyhub calls it. As in, the year by which J.C. had gotten a rep as the son of god and founded a new religion (also the year he got himself whacked, but I'm gonna focus on the former rather than the latter at the moment). Anonyhub means it as an incentive to shit or get off the pot (or as fodder to beat yourself up for all of the things you still haven't attempted to accomplish, but ditto to the first parenthesis.)

Anyway, in celebration of this, my Jesus Year, I present a short list of things I've learned so far. Perhaps I'll come back and add to the list as the year progresses. Perhaps not, as "Remember stuff" hasn't managed to make the list yet.

  • My parents weren't so bad. Yes, they were. No, they weren't. It doesn't really matter, does it? They are who they are, and I love them anyway.

  • It's okay to suck at stuff. In fact, you can suck at everything and live a fairly happy life. The world - the world at large, and even yours specifically - doesn't hinge on whether you're good or bad at stuff. "Good" and "bad" are petty irrelevant terms when you are just doing things you want to do.

  • Life is cumulative. Everything passes. The good and the bad. The visits to the in-laws and the chocolate-dipped ice cream cones. The astonishingly pig-headed comment you made to your sister and the surprisingly sweet moment your daughter sports her first tooth -- all water under the bridge, my friend, even as they are happening. And tomorrow you will have another chance to right your wrongs and wrong your rights.

  • Play is work is work is play. I'm still not sure what that means, but I know I'm being led to worship at the altar of play & feel good about it. I'm going to start at the beginning and have Anonybabe and Anonyhub teach me how it's done.

That's it. That's all I've learned so far. Check back in another 11 years and maybe I'll have more to add to the list.

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