Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Random tidbits

So, in case you missed it in my lists below, Anonybabe celebrated her first birthday Easter Sunday. As I watched her lay a big kiss on her Pooh Bear or wriggle away from me on the changing table, I got this funny feeling that...how do I put this...finally, in my mind (the place where I happen to spend most of my time) her life is more about her than Anonyhub and me. There was a striking this-is-the-first-day-of-the-rest-of-her-life moment while we were driving to Easter lunch with Anonyhub's family. Heretofore, it's been so hard to see her as anything more than a baby, unimaginable that she will grow out of it into a girl, a woman, etc. On Sunday, I could see it without performing imagination gymnastics. And the thought made me proud. And happy.

It is amazing to witness the quick and complete shutdown of Anonybabe's personality when she is uncomfortable. She wouldn't crack a smile for her Arkansas cousins unless maybe she was in my arms, and she burst into tears several times (highly unusual for her) while we were down south. On the way to Easter with the in-laws, an hour plus drive, Anonybabe was giggling and whining, playing peekaboo and smacking theatrically on a square of peanut butter sandwich. As soon as we arrived, she set her face into an impartial grimace and clung to me or Anonyhub. When we would plop her in her grandfather or great uncle's lap, she would stare ahead stonily, only showing signs of life if we got close enough for her to reach out and try to grab on to Anonyhub or me. As soon as we got back in the car that evening, she resumed her gibbering and kicking and grunting. I get it, Anonydear. I soooooo get it. And I suppose I should be happy I have a wealth of experience to share with you when it comes to playing opossum in awkward social situations. But I'm a little sad that others don't get to see what a sweetheart you are.

Last night, Anonybabe got incredibly animated when Anonyhub got home from work. She has one of those egg shakers and after playing "which hand is it in?" with Anonyhub for a minute, she took to hiding the egg herself under the Laz-E-Boy. She would slide the egg under the chair and then look at us and raise her hands, palms up, to shoulder height. "Where is the egg?" we would ask her, raising our arms in a mirror of her "Who knows?" gesture. She would then proceed to pull the egg out to wild applause, shaking it madly and cackling and squealing. It was, quite frankly, adorable.

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